michaelwachtler.com - Michael Wachtler from San Candido - Vision

Description: Michael Wachtler lives as thinker, writer and film maker in San Candido and is considered as a connoisseur of the Dolomites and the whole Alps-region

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Michael Wachtler is one of the Europeans leading thinkers, writers and filmmakers. An internationally acclaimed scientist, explorer and conservationist, he has published more than 150 books and scientific papers. His social criticism often turns him into an uncomfortable contemporary witness. Since his early youth he devoted himself to the goal of entering deeper into the world of stones than anyone else. He succeeded in detecting the biggest gold – and crystal findings of the Alps and furthermore he discov

In 1999 he succeeded in finding the ancestor of snakes and lizards. In his honour Prof. Silvio Renesto named it “Megachirella wachtleri”. As a field researcher he has discovered and named many new species of plants and dinosaurs. Many took his name like Wachtlerosaurus, Wachtleria, oder Wachtleropteris.

He is founder of DoloMythos, the Natural Heritage of Humanity Museum in Innichen (South Tyrol). It is considered the l most important museum of the Dolomites.