michaelstamand.com - Michael St Amand Contemporary Art

Description: Michael St. Amand Contemporary Art

painting (13798) contemporary (4527) digital-art (2231) mixed media art (142)

Example domain paragraphs

Michael St. Amand 's work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, including the Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi History Museum, Signagi Museum, Signagi, Georgia, 798 Art District, Beijing, China, The Sorbonne, Paris, Musee' D' Art Moderne, Bordeaux, France, Berlin, Kassel, Germany, Salzberg, Austria, Auckland,  New Zealand , New York City, Miami, Dallas, and throughout Florida. Michael St Amand's work can be found in many corporate and private collections worldwide. He has been listed in Art in

Lawyers, Guns and Money

A Day in the Jungle