michaelmcanally.info - Michael McAnally

Description: This website links to Michael McAnally's internet work, past, present and future.

Example domain paragraphs

My story is unique, as all our stories are. I started out as one of the original computer coding nerds, when it wasn’t so cool being one! How that has changed. Suffice it to say I know a lot about computers. I have literally coded in archaic programming languages now almost forgotten. Does this mean I don’t learn new programing languages? Exactly the opposite. I have remade myself over many times into a blogger, artist, and now serial entrepreneur.

I have also written short science fiction stories about possible futures and now have my own indie comic. Recently I have coded Mobile Apps which help the speech impaired to speak. This is the one thing I am most proud of because it helps so many people who really need, and use it daily to communicate.

What’s the point of my story? I don’t know, I still don’t know? Each time I think I have it figured out, something new comes along, an idea, a technology, a different approach or solution, a new problem to solve. I guess that is what it really is about for me, change, evolution, revolution, reworking the old into the new. I have met the most amazing people, some I have even helped to make famous. Am I famous? Not really.

Links to michaelmcanally.info (1)