michaelmakowsky.com - Michael D. Makowsky

Description: Personal website of Michael Makowsky. Economics. Subjects: Law and Regulatory Enforcement, Crime, Leadership, Behavioral and Institutional Economics, Group Behavior

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I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the John E. Walker Department of Economics, Clemson University. My work centers on the economics of law enforcement and the institutions that govern group behavior, such as leadership, religious proscription, and distributions of power. This is my personal website, and is an effort to place all of my scholarship, media appearances and references, model source code, and data sets in one place. 

I’m an associate professor of economics in the John E. Walker Department of Economics  at Clemson University. My work centers on the economics of law enforcement, crime, and the institutions that govern group (club) behavior, particularly religious groups. And that’s all well and good, but the reality is I’m an applied microeconomist who enjoys mucking about with data and laboratory experiments, and who has a really hard time walking away from an interesting question.

If you are interested in my considerably less edited thoughts, I post a blog entry every Monday morning at economistwritingeveryday.com . You can follow me on twitter , but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

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