michaelkohlhaas.org - Michael Kohlhaas dot org

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I started this blog seven years ago intending to expose the wickedness of business improvement districts in Los Angeles using three powerful weapons: mockery, shaming, and the California Public Records Act . After all this time I’ve learned far more than I expected to about how the CPRA works, and far, far more than any sane person ought to know about LA BIDs. But by now I’ve said what I have to say on the topic, not just about the BIDs and the City that creates them but also about the effectiveness of reco

But I’m not in the least done with records-based activism! I’m planning to work with the Los Angeles Sunshine Coalition on lawsuits, legislation, and, most importantly, teaching other activists about the CPRA in the service of building a happy, healthy, human City which works for all Angelenos. To this end

I’m also planning to write a couple of books over the next twelve months. One on the CPRA and how to use it in Los Angeles, the other on business improvement districts in Los Angeles focusing on why and how to eliminate them. Meanwhile, of course, I’ll leave the blog up as a resource. Let’s see what happens next!

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