michaelkizer.com - Michael Kizer | Random Musings

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Here’s a tour of my current home office setup as of January 2023. Over the years it has gone through many iterations – triple monitors, many machines connected via complex KVM switching, etc. The current state is the result of stripping down the overly complex setup, going too far, and then adding a few things here and there. I’ve been running with the current configuration for a few months now, and I really like it. Continue reading Desktop Tour 2023 →

It has been almost 4 years since my last update on the constantly changing badges and company names of my workplace, so I figured it might be time for an update. Yes, fret not faithful readers, there has been another change besides how the worldwide pandemic has changed the entire workplace situation in general. As always, I’ll repeat the entire journey first, with the latest updates at the end.

Take it from the top…

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