michaelhanley.org - Mike Hanley's Blog

Description: Mike Hanley's personal blog. I am the VP of Engineering and CTO at Vertigo Software, Inc.

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At Vertigo, we recently did some work on a Windows Azure application that needed a document database. We wound up using RavenDB . Getting everything running in Azure took a little bit of work. There are a few posts on this topic here and here , but they weren’t quite up to date and did not include the RavenDB Management Studio . So I wanted to share what we learned and how we got RavenDB running in Windows Azure.

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At the end of the day, what I want to do is run RavenDB in a Windows Azure Worker Role (with the RavenDB admin studio working) and use the RavenDB client in an ASP.NET MVC 3 or 4 application.