micamyx.com - MICAMYX | Personal Blog of a Dagupena Dreamer

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MUSIC is a big part of my life. In fact, I listed ‘I Want To Be a Popstar’ in my Preparatory Graduation. I was serious back then. I was mesmerized with the singing and dancing talent of Janet Jackson and I just love the creativity of Madonna which I often seen on her music videos via MTV and Channel V (Yes, I’m that old now).

Living in the province, I didn’t get the chance to enroll in piano, guitar or voice lessons due to the high fees. Since I won’t let that discourage me, I asked my parents to buy me Multiplex tapes instead. There was also a local karaoke channel where I’d wait for a song familiar to me to be played. I also spent more time listening to the radio, to my cassette tapes and watching MTV everyday. These are pre-YouTube and Spotify days, kids!

If there’s one thing majority of humans in whichever part of the world realized when the global pandemic hit, it is the importance of taking good care of your health and spending money wisely. Investing such as investing in precious metals in roth ira may be one of the many ways on how you can save money in the future.

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