- Meryl Dorey's hilarious antivaccine idiocy – Australian Vaccination Network's Meryl Dorey bills herself as a vaccine expert, but

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A funny thing happened to Meryl over the last couple of years. She's gone from a darling of the media, regularly invited to give the "other side" in the name of "balance"... all the way down to outcast and pariah.

The majority of journalists have woken up to the fact that there is no scientific debate in terms of vaccination: the facts are settled in terms of scientific consensus. A handful of nutty & noisy science-deniers like Meryl have no bearing on the reality, however much they wish it was different.

What's more a number of Meryl's callous actions, starting with her harrassment of the grieving parents of Dana McCaffrey,​ have outraged ever-growing segments of the population.