- Merge Community - Merge Community

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Several years ago, we embarked on a journey driven by a simple question: How can we meet the needs of our local community? We quickly learned that there are several schools in our neighborhood with students enrolled in free and reduced-price meal programs. Our partnership with Seminole County Public Schools initiated the beginning of our mission. We had the privilege to adopt Hamilton Elementary as our first school. During the challenging year of 2020, a new chapter began as we assumed responsibility for th

Presently, our focus lies in providing weekend and holiday food security in the form of meal packs to Seminole County’s most vulnerable students. We work hand-in-hand with dedicated school social workers to ensure that students in need receive not only nourishment but also essential emergency supplies throughout the academic year. Each Friday, our meal packs find their way directly into the backpacks of these young friends. The elementary schools we serve have a staggering 80% or more of their students enro

Beyond weekly meal packs, we also extend our support to ensure that students have access to food during extended breaks, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring and Summer breaks. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have even been able to provide shoes, clothing and toiletries to many students and their families who are facing extreme hardships.