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In 2018,  The Hollywood Reporter addressed that I provided information to the U.S. Trade Representative in relation to a company subsidy scheme in Canada. 

My submission to Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer documents that Canada has exploited the cultural industries exemption in the North American Free Trade Agreement for over twenty years. The catalyst for the submission to the U.S. ambassador was the failure of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office to acknowledge receipt of information and documents that I had FedEx deliver to the attention of Mr. Trudeau - and which were also submitted electronically to the prime minister.  At issue is evidence of regulatory

The highly unorthodox company subsidy scheme served to artifically inflate the cost of cable TV. It was originally designed by CRTC commissioners while I was employed in the broadcasting industry for my specialist knowledge of the Canadian cable TV industry and its regulation by the CRTC. Central to the success of introducing this type of 'hidden tax' without opposition, the CRTC sanctioned cable TV companies to collect the premium under false pretence from Canadians - a deceptive method of collection that