- Menachem Mendel Bluming - Chabad Shul of Potomac

Description: Menachem Mendel Bluming has spent over a decade and a half as the rabbi and executive director at the Jewish community organization Chabad Shul of Potomac in Potomac, Maryland. In this position he...

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Menachem Mendel Bluming has spent over a decade and a half as the rabbi and executive director at the Jewish community organization Chabad Shul of Potomac in Potomac, Maryland. In this position he manages all synagogue services as well as teaching specialized courses ranging from The Origins and Evolution of Jewish Tradition to Flashbacks in Jewish History: How Our Past Informs Our Future etc. Menachem Mendel Bluming strives to reach out to every member of the surrounding community, having a hand in numerou

Let’s do a simple exercise.

Think about the blessing you need right now.