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Description: Melissa Benn, writer, author, novelist, journalist, campaigner, UK

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The crisis of the meritocracy: Britain’s transition to mass education since the Second World War PETER MANDLER, 2020 Oxford: Oxford University Press 361pp, hardback, £25, ISBN 9780198840145 Cambridge historian Peter Mandler has a fundamentally optimistic story to tell about the growth of universal education in Britain over the last seventy years and one can sense… Continue reading…

Melissa Benn’s features, opinion pieces, essays and reviews have appeared in the Guardian , the Times Educational Supplement,  Mslexia, Financial Times, London Review of Books, Schools Week, Women: A Cultural Review, Public Finance, Teach Secondary, New Statesman and many others.

Melissa has published nine books, including two novels Public Lives and One of Us ,   which was shortlisted for a British Book Award.   Her political writing includes School Wars: The Battle for Britain’s Education ,  an account of the development of state education over the past fifty years and powerful plea for high quality comprehensive education, and Life Lessons: The Case for a National Education Service    which provides a route map to reform.

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