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M-E Girard ‘s debut GIRL MANS UP (September 2016, HarperTeen | HarperCollins Canada) was a Lambda Literary Award winner and a William C . Morris YA Debut Award finalist. She lives just outside of Toronto, Canada, where she splits her time between writing YA fiction, being a mom, and working as a registered nurse. M-E dedicated the bulk of her nursing career to working with special-needs kids, and more recently, she was an ER and ICU nurse during the first waves of the pandemic. A 2013 and 2015 Lambda Litera

January 2023, HarperTeen | Harpercollins

From the Lambda award-winning author of Girl Mans Up comes an empowering, sex-positive coming-of-age story about a teen exploring first love and desire, as her rocky relationship with her own body and a pandemic threaten to sabotage everything. Perfect for fans of Fat Chance, Charlie Vega and Cool for the Summer.   

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