- Documentary filmmaker|Immigration activist|meghnadamani| United States

Description: meghnadamani's homepage explores the work of Treasure Tower films on the immigration related documentary films that we have done in the past and have been working on now and the causes that we support and fight for.

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Meghna Damani is an award-winning Indian-American filmmaker whose films explore identity, spirituality and social justice. She is currently in production of her feature documentary DREAMS UPROOTED, a personal story, which exposes the bold grassroots movement of brave immigrant women who battle the unjust restrictions on dependent spouse visas and the plight of their children who risk deportation. Meghna is a pioneer spokesperson for and has dedicated her life to advocating for work authorization for depende

Interview on Here & Now Show - Robin Young 00:00 / 00:00 Damani found her sense of purpose in making a documentary about H-4 visas called “Hearts Suspended.” Too many Indian women simply accept their lot, even if they’re unhappy, she said.