- cosmic consciousness - universal consciousness

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Yes !!!  You Can Achieve Universal Consciousness and it's much easier than you think !!! A Practical Guide to Oneness with the Divine in six easy lessons by Karl Hans Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc.

Questions? Click Here to email us or phone +1 770 783 0563    Call us on Skype and we will show you how orgone technology can help you to achieve universal consciousness.  Our Skype address:  chi.tec The invention of the Orgone Generator®, (the generator of life force or Chi) was a Gigantic Step into the Future !!! Wilhelm Reich and Franz Anton Mesmer 150 years before Reich invented accumulators of life energy:  orgone accumulators (Reich) and accumulators of "animal magnetism" (Mesmer).  These were devices

About Orgone Generators®

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