- Meditation on the Word - A Life's Journey

Description: A Life's Journey

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Daniel takes a brief respite in chapter 10, from the heavy use of symbolism and prophetic utterances seen in ( Daniel Chapter 9 ). He imposes upon himself a 21-day fast, now known and practiced by many as the Daniel Fast. Daniel uses this fast not just to facilitate his prayer, but to experience an encounter with God. Indeed, Daniel experiences encounters with heavenly messengers as he goes in and out of apparent unconsciousness. Like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others, he recognizes his inadequacies in conversin

This chapter is a prelude to another prophetic interpretation, but his and our introduction to Michael the Prince, the Archangel, the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ Himself. This is the first of a handful of references throughout the Bible to Michael–”one Who is like God”. 

Daniel’s tenure spans three kings, including the overthrow of the most powerful nation on earth. It is interesting to think about what is going through his mind. He not only predicts the change in government, but experiences it. He then predicts the overthrow of the conqueror, and the next. His experiences, fascinating as they might be, are not the most meaningful in the grand scheme of things, however.