- Meditating on the Arts

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Working with your hands can be very soothing depending on what you are doing.  First of all you must actually enjoy the physical labor of creating something, it helps to be good at it thought its not required, and you must have a desire to want to do it.  If these things are in order then though it is a form of labor, it can absolutely be relaxing and help clear your thoughts.

For me this is going to the gym and lifting weights, its freeing, it clears my head of all the riff raff in there, I can think clearly, and i feel refreshed afterwords.  In the art world maybe this is making sculptures and statues, or ice carving, or making things out of clay.  All of these exercises can be done as quickly or as slowly as someone wants to go about it, whether or not they are getting paid for it.  You think Michelangelo rushed his work, or even had a deadline.  Our world has become so run by

But I do believe it is relaxing to work with your hands and I have known many people that do just that, I know a guy that builds poker tables in his spare time, because he just likes to do it.  He sells them after the fact occasionally, to make room for the next one, but he just has fun with it.  Knew another fella that would go around dumpster diving at construction sites and collect left over debris, and create awesome yard art out of it.  He did for fun, as a hobby, and then eventually started selling a