- Remembrance « At Home in Europe

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On the path of the citizens reporters

Congresses were held in 7 European cities (Milan, Toulouse, Brussels, Berlin, Louvain-la-Neuve, Salamanca, Coimbra, Moster) to assess the renewed tensions between European countries and Russia, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizing the end of the Cold War.

A film was shot with the participation of young Europeans. Synopsis: After the Second World War, a political and ideological confrontation existed between the two superpowers which were the United States, the Soviet Union and their respective allies. A phoney war in Europe with no cannons or guns…. a cold war! And for the young generations, this story of the Cold War tends to disappear in a lapse of memory. It is to find out more about this period that Lucas and Emilien, two students accompanied by Ariane,