- Truth Through Journalism | MediaFancier

Description: A place for ethical journalism to thrive and evolve; MediaFancier is the place for it all!

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It is the opinion of MediaFancier that investigative journalism today is a hollow shell of what its stated purpose is. It is fueled by outrageous headlines, one-sided information, and corporate censorship. It doesn’t matter which “side” you’re on. Most will do anything to get a “click”, because this is where the money comes from. Greed is the foundation of all of this. Journalistic outlets are unwilling to sacrifice profits for the truth, even if that means humanity will suffer. Almost the entirety of journ

It is the opinion of MediaFancier that this foundation is made of sand. People - readers like you, are waking up. The outrageous titles will only last so long; the one-sided information will be scrutinized; the corporate censorship will be outplayed. This goes beyond political affiliation. It is vital that the people are confident that the information they get from journalists is free from political affiliation and corporate profits - that is the goal of MediaFancier . 

MF Journalism: Current Events, Political Topics, New Discoveries and More