- Mic Cavazzini – – – – science, nature, people – – –

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Mic Cavazzini is a journalist and audio geek passionate about engaging people with ethics, health and the natural world.

Mic's current passion project is collaborating on the Human/Ordinary podcast about the wonder of everyday personal narratives. His bread and butter is Pomegranate Health about the culture of medicine, which won an Australian Podcast Award in 2018 .

Mic used to write for  The Medical Republic ,  Australian Doctor and The Canberra Times and was a regular panelist on 2SER Radio’s Diffusion Science . But in previous incarnation he worked as a research scientist at Oxford and the ANU investigating how brain cells process information and learn.  Mic is also used to being at the front of the classroom, whether it's lecturing at the University of Sydney or teaching paddlers to eskimo roll.