- medenbachlab | we love RNA

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RNA interactome studies suggested that numerous metabolic enzymes possess the ability to bind RNA. This has fueled the REM hypothesis that describes the regulatory interplay of R NAs, metabolic e nzymes and m etabolites. In a collaborative effort, a consortium comprising the Meister , Suess , and Rossbach labs and headed by the Babinger lab , has investigated RNA binding of select enzymes in E.coli using iCLIP, SELEX, MST, and EMSA experiments. This revealed specific RNA interaction of glutamate-5-kinase (P

In a close collaboration with Monica Pichler from the lab of Thomas Mock at at he University of East Anglia, we could establish ribosome profiling for the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana . This unicellular organism belongs to an important group of eukaryotic microalgea that play a key role as primary producers in aquatic ecosystems, generating 20-50% of the oxygen on the planet each year, and comprising approx. half of the organic material found in the oceans. With ribosome profiling now available for diato

Our protocol for rapid ribosome profiling of small input samples has been published in Nucleic Acids Research. We demonstrate the outstanding performance of the newly developed sequencing library preparation workflow and its reproducibility with minute amounts of sample (0.1 pmol of RNA). We would like to thank our collaborators ( Meister lab at the University of Regensburg, Leidel lab at the University of Bern & König lab at IMB Mainz) for their support! Please find the open access publication here: weblin