- Clean Rinse | Shampoo for your System

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Today, we’ll be looking at a fairly simple, but fundamental concept in modern APIs, and using it to springboard onto talking about some different GPU architectures, and that is, the “PSO”, or “Pipeline State Object”. Motivating this necessity is one of the main design considerations of modern graphics APIs, and that is, predictable performance . Basically, the goal is that for every function call in the API, you can reliably group it into one of two categories: either it returns pretty instantly, or it can

Previous APIs, like Direct3D 11 and OpenGL, made no such guarantees. Every call had the potential to stall, and often times, unless you had experience on console platforms or were blessed with insider knowledge mostly limited to triple-A game developers, you simply had no idea when these would happen. And even then, you could be in for a surprise: the stalls might change GPU vendors, graphics driver versions, and even based on your game itself. I vividly remember having the experience of debugging a gnarly

While the old APIs and driver vendors are not fully to blame for this problem, the lack of guidance, and amount of guesswork means it’s incredibly difficult for a graphics programmer to get it right, especially when trying to ship a single executable that runs smoothly across three different GPU vendors, each with their own independent architectures and drivers.