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Известный историк книги повествует о возникновении книгопечатания у славян, о первых газетах и журналах, о промышленном перевороте в книжном деле, об электронных книгах; обэрт о книгах, сыгравших исключительную роль в истории - от Библии до "Кибернетики" Норберта Винера Особое место отведено возникновению кириллического книгопечатания, великому русскому первопечатнику Ивану Федорову Автор Евгений Немировский доктор исторических наук.   Pass    57.1    Bett    Bett Издательство: Время, 2010 г Твердый перепле

Book DescriptionNow in Hardcover With the influx of Westerners to Japan during the Meiji period (1868-1912) came the rise of the Japanese photo industry Originally created as souvenirs for foreign travelers, these pictures soon came to act as a prepackaged guide: Before long, the tourists first stop in Japan was the photographers studio, обэрх where he ordered the handsomely-made photo album that would help set his itinerary But more than this, these photographs reveal an astounding virtuosity,not only in c

Book Description Beth Chatto's classic volume, newly revised, updated, and magnificently illustrated with color photographs, provides expert advice on cultivating every conceivable type of damp garden, whether it has moist silt or sticky clay, whether it's sunny or shady, or whether you're starting from scratch or sprucing up an existing обэрь site Chatto explains everything about preparation, drainage, laying the first shade bed, coping with weeds, mulching, developing water and bog gardens, and large-scal