- Lebenssinn-Forschung in der Prof. Dr. Fegg & Kollegen Beratung und Coaching GmbH

Description: Lebenssinn-Forschung und deren Ergebnisse.

smile (476) lebenssinn (53) sinn im leben (2) schedule for meaning in life evaluation (1) test lebenssinn (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Finding meaning is a central resource in overcoming life’s conflicts and crises. Friedrich Nietzsche once stated that, „He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.“ In critical life situations (e.g. serious illness), the question behind the meaning of life arises. However, it is difficult to find a method with which to empirically depict the very subjective matter of life’s meaning.

The intention and goal that our team has set itself is to develop a procedure with which one can validly measure the meaning of life. We combined qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed method) for this purpose, which encourage the person being questioned to consciously contemplate their own individual meaningful aspects of life (idiographical approach). Our instrument of measurement is called the “Schedule for the Meaning in Life Evaluation,” also known as SMiLE.

Sinnerfülltheit ist eine zentrale Ressource in der Bewältigung von Lebenskrisen. „Wer ein wozu im Leben hat, erträgt fast jedes Wie“, hat bereits Friedrich Nietzsche bemerkt. Sowohl in kritischen Lebenssituationen wie auch bei schwerer Krankheit taucht die Frage nach dem Lebenssinn auf. Allerdings bestehen methodische Schwierigkeiten, ein derart subjektives Konstrukt wie Lebenssinn empirisch abzubilden.