- Matt's Aotearoa Run

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Growing up as a kid at school I was constantly bullied for being ‘the fat kid’, something that is unfortunately all too common. My inner self-worth reached rock bottom and it left a mark on me that I still battle with daily and echoes through everything I do. The constant need to prove myself to others and be ‘good enough’. I kept it bottled up and it got worse and worse. I would have given ANYTHING to just have someone to talk to, to speak about how I was feeling and get the support I desperately needed at

A cap that goes the distance. Support further with all proceeds going to Gumboot Friday supporting counselling sessions for kiwi kids.

Due to health and safety across NZ roads, we will be organising multiple group runs across key centres where you can join in for as little or as much as you like. Dates will be confirmed throughout with updates on social media so stay tuned.

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