- Treasure Your Exceptions – Cloud, DevOps and enterprise web development

Description: Cloud, DevOps and enterprise web development

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Cloud, DevOps and enterprise web development

I was recently trying out the cross-browser testing capabilities of LambdaTest , which provides automated testing in all major browsers on a scalable, online cloud-based Selenium grid. The LambdaTest platform frees you from the headaches of manually administering an in-house Selenium grid and therefore having to keep multiple devices connected, updated and running on-demand. With one simple subscription, you get access to live interactive testing to support your exploratory testing, as well as reliable and

For automation testing, LambdaTest supports Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and PHP, but coming from a C# background I wanted to augment the example documentation provided by LambdaTest on getting started executing C# tests with Selenium. So I have put together an example solution and made this available on GitHub . You can clone this project or browse the GitHub code to see how it’s done.