- Matis Geretti-Uyanik

Example domain paragraphs

I am currently in my third and final year of studying computer science at the University of Sussex. Technology has always been a passion of mine. I have always wanted to participate in a project that has the potential to revolutionize how technology is used in societies. I am extremely interested in Web Development/Design and how websites can be utilized to generate leads and new clients for businesses. I believe that behind every website there is a story to be told and the key to generating leads and sales

Alongside my computer science course, I study and trade the financial markets. After intense market and chart research, I’ve created my own system that I have back and forward tested. I have been trading for nearly three years now and have really enjoyed my journey, although I am far from the end of it. Trading has brought great discipline to my life, and it continues to teach me the importance of being patient and organised alongside many other key skills. Trading full-time is an occupation that I am striv

I would like to network with experienced professionals and like-minded individuals. I am looking to gain further experience within the Technology and Finance industry and bring my value to a project/company. I have attended several insight days and been on two of The Brokerage’s intensive mentorship programs.