- Paperless Forklift Inspection App and Software | MasterCheck

Description: The only forklift inspection software with app designed by forklift experts. Improve forklift safety & operator performance with reports & analytics.

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MasterCheck is a forklift inspection app and safety management software that enables safety-conscious companies to identify and manage negative incidents, failures and potential repairs.

Not all companies are alike. By default, inspection forms with a general list of inspection items are included. However, the supervisor has complete flexibility to add, delete and edit inspection items that suit the company best. Add bilingual inspection items if English is not the first language of operators, rename forms, hide forms and even create your own inspection forms for other types of equipment. Once inspection items have been customized and updated, the new fields immediately appear in the operat

The supervisor can view all the inspection and report history including any photos that have been added by the operator. Detailed analytics reports show historical data sorted by unit or operator in order to identify concerning trends. The supervisor can even view data on the most common causes of failures as well as actual running time utilization.