- Mary C. Klann, PhD

Description: Mary Klann, PhD. Lecturer in US History and Native American History at UC San Diego and in the San Diego Community College District.

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historian and lecturer

I received my PhD in United States History from the University of California, San Diego in 2017. My book manuscript, Wardship and the Welfare State: Native Americans and the Formation of First-Class Citizenship in Mid-Twentieth-Century America, is under contract with University of Nebraska Press.

I am an adjunct lecturer at UC San Diego, where I teach classes in Native American History, Women’s History, and Digital History. I love teaching and believe adjuncts are valuable and innovative educators who deserve respect and fair compensation. I have also taught classes at San Diego Miramar College, Cuyamaca College, and San Diego Mesa College. I also work as a freelance writer, researcher, and consultant for public history projects.