- Marti Spiegelman Shaman's Light

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The core of shamanism is the mastery of human consciousness for the purpose of stewarding long-term, collective well-being and creative evolution – for the planet, for humankind, and for all of nature, as one among the many systems of the cosmos.

Shamans are not just healers, as many people think – they are the keepers and evolvers of their culture’s consciousness as it relates to the land they live on, the universe they belong to, and their skillful ways of thriving. In most cultures this includes keeping the fertility of the land high, the well-being of the collective resilient, and the continuity of the culture filled with evolutionary momentum. Shamans are also the cosmic timekeepers, keeping watch over the world ages and stewarding the great sh

Being trained in authentic shamanic wisdom and visionary skills – in particular the traditions of the Americas – will give you the skills to thrive in a rapidly changing world like no other training you can find.

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