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Favorites clean living advocate, mama, skincare lover, deal finder + book enthusiast Welcome to my little corner of the internet where you will find inspiration for everyday empowerment, wellness info, motherhood chats & intuitive living. so glad you're here! xo, marta Does this sound familiar? OVERWHELMED by motherhood and craving community NOT SURE HOW TO SOURCE Low-tox PRODUCTS Love keeping up with fun home. clothing & littles items IF YOU SAID YES TO ANY OF THESE

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm Marta- wife, mom, truth seeker, follower of Jesus, believer in balance, and pursuer of wellness. In this is a space you will find my favorite things, helpful resources, my fav skincare, beautiful children's books, wellness info and motherhood chats. I'm so happy you're here, because life is better when we do it together.

first clean swaps to make for baby Are you a busy mama wanting to low-tox swaps for your baby but aren't sure where to begin? I take the overwhelm out of making clean swaps for your baby by giving you practical tips, a list of ingredients to avoid and why , my go-to products, and what to look for in each of the categories. From one mama to another, I'm cheering you on so big!