- MARM 2024

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As scientists, discovery is at the forefront of everything we do. We build upon the discoveries of other scientists, make new discoveries ourselves, and publish those discoveries to complete the cycle. In recognition of the quarter-millenial anniversary of one of the most important discoveries of our time, the meeting's theme is "Celebrating Discovery." Through this theme, we will honor and celebrate the groundbreaking work of Joseph Priestley on the discovery of oxygen in 1774. We hope that MARM 2024 inspi

As scientists, discovery is at the forefront of everything we do. We build upon the discoveries of other scientists, make new discoveries ourselves, and publish those discoveries to complete the cycle. In recognition of the quarter-millennial anniversary of one of the most important discoveries of our time, the meeting's theme is "Celebrating Discovery." Through this theme, we will honor and celebrate the groundbreaking work of Joseph Priestley on the discovery of oxygen in 1774. We hope that MARM 2024 insp

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