- Marco de Krijger - Freelance DevOps engineer

Description: Freelance DevOps engineer

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Hopefully you find that the “ spaghetti code ” anti-pattern is something from the past (if not, you should do yourself a favour and find yourself another project 🙂 ). Does it mean hat our code is now perfect? And does it mean that it is so transparent that everyone instantly understands the motivation and its purpose behind each line? I’m not going to answer that (retorical) question. But I wondered; what are the new “bad practices”? How do they look like? So I gathered my experiences and trying to find and

Huge disclaimer : So I tried coming up with some new namings of the misfits I found and poured that into the so called “tower anti-patterns”. This is just for fun, I’m sure you can find a thing or two which don’t cover the title, or is even faulty logic on my side. For example, the anti-patterns are not only seen from a technical point of view, but also from organizational perspective.

I was glad I couldn’t find examples of total failures or laughable situations in my recent experience. But I could find some uncomfortable situations in code bases and its company surroundings that just felt wrong, they just aren’t fit for its purpose. That doesn’t mean the code itself was that bad, but the combination of project methodology, budget, code architecture and purpose just weren’t aligned. All these things need to be in balance. If not in balance it’s not a fit.

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