- Mariana Atencio | Speaker

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In-person or virtually, Mariana’s keynote “THE POWER OF AUTHENTICITY” will help you create meaningful connections, foster trust, and inspire others. It takes 7 seconds for people to form an opinion about you. That’s why most of us are taught to fit in a box instead of embracing those parts of ourselves that stand out. As a national TV journalist, Mariana was often encouraged to leave parts of herself at the door. It wasn’t long before she realized that ‘covering’ did not lead to real belonging, especially i

This situation is heightened in the new post-Covid world, where there is a more significant need to strengthen corporate culture, embrace change, and bring your best self to work. Mariana’s key is to double down on your uniqueness and follow easily applicable formulas to embrace your authenticity, leading to personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

Being authentic builds trust and credibility, which are core to success and leadership, and allows for collaboration, innovation, and community. In an environment where people feel safe to be themselves, productivity will increase, as well as employee retention.

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