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I am currently a Lecturer in Computer Vision and Graphics in the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing at the University of Surrey . I am interested in using computer vision and graphics techniques to facilitate volumetric video capture, reconstruction, editing and rendering from multiple camera systems for applications in film, broadcast and gaming. I also have a keen interest in Photography .

In 2016, I received a PhD from the University of Surrey supervised by Prof. Adrian Hilton and Prof. Graham Thomas (BBC R&D). My PhD introduced novel techniques to compactly represent multiple view video to allow efficient free-viewpoint rendering. During this time, I undertook an internship at the University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies where I designed and built a photogrammetry scanning cage for rapid avatar creation, and a three month internship at BBC R&D integrating my Ph

In 2011, I obtained an MEng in Electronic Engineering (Distinction) at the University of Surrey during which I spent a professional training year at Sony Broadcast and Professional Research Labs and a three month summer internship at the Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory University of Reading .