- maple bloom

Description: maple bloom's card.

Example domain paragraphs

i'm a 23 year old something or other from england [-_-] and i tend to do a lot of things, that you can read about below. i am also very tired. some information - i'm non-binary! i tend to use they/she pronouns. i'm autistic! it's weird sometimes. i'm british! yeah it's fucking awful i know. here's a thing that gives you the links to all of my social medias, dm's and i guess anywhere else i want to link. feel free to DM me / send friend requests or whatever, i am a bit shy but i like talking to people! [artw

noun - small piece that’s come off a larger whole; to break fragment is currently my main project . it is an alias used for sticker tagging and slapping - i take shitposts and exerpts from my own writings and spread them across as much of the world as i can. (so far, that's mainly my own county, but i'd like to go further - thanks to friends there's some stickers in france!) with this project i hope to put my ideas out into the world and inspire people to take them and make something out of it. it was a pro

my music archive was created to bring light to albums and releases that had been taken down from the internet for various reasons, or that i found in charity shops and had not been archived before. more recently i've been uploading full album streams rather than individual tracks. any albums that are not available online, i've made downloadable for high quality listening. i've still got a lot of things to upload there soon!