- Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation

Description: Fahs-Beck provides grants and funding for doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations in sociology.

research funding (25) research grants (9) dorothy fahs-beck (1) fahsbeck (1) fahs beck (1) dissertation funding (1) dissertation grants (1) social work research grants (1) social work research funding (1) faculty research grants (1)

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Dorothy Fahs-Beck (1906-2000) was the oldest of five children whose family roots and experience shaped her socially progressive point of view. Her mother, Sophia Lyon Fahs, born in China to Evangelistic Presbyterian missionaries, became an acclaimed liberal reformer in religious education, profoundly influencing teaching in the Unitarian church.

Dorothy graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in1928. While studying for a master's degree in sociology at the University of Chicago, Dorothy met her future husband, Hubert Park Beck, known as "Park" (1907-1989). As newlyweds during the Great Depression, Park taught science in Bronxville, and Dorothy began her career working for a number of private and government agencies, supervising research into the costs of medical and dental care. In 1944, Dorothy received her do

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