- ABOUT · Mandy Banton | Registered Newcastle Osteopath

Description: Mandy Banton (D. Prof Osteopathy) combines empathy with a detailed understanding of clinical anatomy in a practice that puts the individual at the centre of the consultation. She is interested in helping people to achieve a greater sense of ease in their life and uses a gentle, enabling approach.

registered osteopath (16) dr mandy banton (2) works from clinics in gosforth (2) newcastle and in whitley bay (2) north tyneside. she can evaluate (2) diagnose and treat through holistic consultation (2) showing empathy and with an enabling (2) gentle approach. mandy has a professional doctorate in osteopath (2)

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Mandy combines empathy with a detailed understanding of clinical anatomy in a practice that puts the individual at the centre of the consultation. She is interested in helping people to achieve a greater sense of ease in their life and uses a gentle, enabling approach.

Mandy is a Fellow of the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy . In 2019 she was awarded a Professional Doctorate in Osteopathy for a thesis on the philosophical, psychological and neurophysiological aspects of embodied communication between osteopaths and their patients.