- Mama Tells All

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One night a couple weeks back, while my husband was finishing up some dinner prep and I was folding laundry, it hit me like a ton of bricks: We had made it!!

Where exactly did we make it to? Why, to the sweet spot of parenting that I had heard about in rumors…but didn’t actually believe would come true. See, the thing is, while my husband cooked and I folded…all three of our children were AT HOME WITH US. Yet, there we were, two adults, both being productive at different tasks… before bedtime?! I paused in the moment, made sure pigs weren’t flying by, and said to myself, “We made it.” Huge parenting milestone- get out the parental scrapbook!! (Oh wait…I don’t ev

For the past 7.5 years, we have been in the midst of controlling chaos; aka raising little humans. Our kids are 7, 5, and 2, so we didn’t have any huge extended breaks between kids where we really got to relax. We would get one kid just to the brink of preschool land, and then along came the next child. Back to sleepless nights. Diapers. Being spit up on. Wondering if we would get a shower that day.