- Majic.Info

Description: Information concerning the US covert government MAJIC, and later known as the MAJESTIC 12, created to specifically to investigate the alien presence among us.

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Military-Alien Joint Industrial Complex Information Originally known as MAJESTIC 12, this group has grown into a shadow government behind the scenes working toward a New World Order  of chaos (perpetual war) under the guise of black ops.

The US government has been working with an alien presence since the 1950's.  Unfortunately, MAJIC (originally the Majestic 12) went underground early on due to concerns about the alien races, their might, and their influence over primitive human minds.

Concerned officials within the government have been gradually leaking alien visitation information information ever since.  Eventually, the government started officially releasing alien occupation information to the general public in the hopes of a more open and communicative relationship since the 1970's.