- Stu Maitland- Doctor, Neuroinformatics

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About me Projects Publications Talks Awards Stu Maitland Doctor, neurophysiology researcher & computer scientist About me I'm an active clinical researcher, looking at why we lose strength as we grow older. I'm a programmer, interested in how we can use computers to model complex neurological systems. My experience is in Python (especially Django) and machine learning. This site is a sort of portfolio to gather together odds and ends that I've been working on.

Projects Micro-EMG I've worked in a team to develop a new form of diagnostic aid for neurophysiology. I used signal processing and machine learning for determining muscle fibre location and behaviour.

Grip strength is an important predictor of mortality. I used existing population measures of grip strength to build a z-score calculator, to allow the severity of muscle weakness to be calculated by researchers. Built in JS.