- magmadeveloptment – magmadeveloptment

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The Company pursues selective development and redevelopment activities including land intensification projects by taking through rezoning, planning, and permits stages. Over the last 12 years, we have successfully accomplished several large and small land developments projects across Ontario.

The company has developed unique expertise in redevelopment of Brownfield sites by evaluating Phase I and II and in many cases full remediation or Phase III and obtained RSC to meet Ministry of environment standards. The company has developed many contaminated site in Ontario for the past 15 years. We have been able to combine financial and technical expertise to complete large size projects.

At Magma Developments, our aim is to establish long-lasting relationships with tenants and brokers of the highest caliber in every market in which we operate. Magma Developments has a deeper knowledge of the local market by talking with tenants, brokers, leasing agents and even other real estate operators, gathering real-time market knowledge to ensure that each project is efficiently managed and are improved based on tenants’ involvements.