- Made Piece by Piece – Equipping Yourself to Overcome Life's Challenges

Description: Equipping Yourself to Overcome Life's Challenges

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We ALL have to start somewhere. Everything begins with a piece.  I don’t know about you, but there are many days which I feel all over the place – as if my life is an unorganized mess. That can really be overwhelming. I mean it literally feels as if my mind runs nonstop !!! Many times my mind literally jumps from one thing to another causing me to feel like I am not equipped to do anything. It is in these very moments that I need to stop, take a deep breath and slow down. Always easier said than done, but I

We live in a culture where we all want everything to happen immediately, especially when we are overwhelmed. But being impatient causes us to disregard the importance of the step by step process and many times is what prevents  us from finishing what we start.  Let’s think of a puzzle for example:

A puzzle consists of many different pieces which fit together to create a big picture.  Like a puzzle, we all have our own unique roles to play in life .   God created us each with a specific purpose in mind.  In a puzzle if you try to insert the wrong piece no matter how many ways you try it, it will not fit.  In life, if someone else tries to do what God created us to do, results will not be the same  – no one else  will be the right fit to do what we are called to do. Read more ›