- Macrobiotic Dictionary – by East West Center for Macrobiotics

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Articles from Macrobiotics Today about the Online Macrobiotic Dictionary project

Logic, Aristotelian: The foundation of Western scientific thinking “…based on the law of identity (A is A), the law of contradiction (A is not non-A), and the law of the excluded middle (X cannot be A and non-A at the same time)….This logic is negated by the Order of the Universe….Without deep thinking, the statement ‘A is A’ is valid. But from the careful observation of the world and our experiences, it is obvious that there is no A in existence identical to another A. In other words, ‘A is A’ is imaginary

Change:  Something that occurs differently in the future than if no action is taken in the present. There are four types of change: stepped, linear, spiralic, and cyclic. “In the stepped pattern there are no changes for a time, and then there is a sudden change. In the linear pattern, some changes happen every day in a certain proportion; a graph will be closer to a straight line or curve, but not the zigzag line of a stepped change…Another path for change is the spiralic way of change. There are two aspect