- Macris – Since 1985

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Macris characterizes itself on being a values-based school that educates the whole student.  We prepare students who are not only skilled, competent, and knowledgeable to be successful in higher education at any university in the world, but our students are recognized as people of integrity.  We are a proud community that continues to grow, evolve, and impress.

As a Catholic school students receive guidance through our religious activities, pastoral club, and sacrament preparation.  We have a guidance program that supports students in their development and prepares them for college.  Students learn about themselves and how to interact with others through our social-emotional learning program.

Our academic program is rigorous and prepares students to compete both internationally and nationally for university admissions and scholarships.  Students graduate with a national Honduran degree and a U.S. diploma.  They receive courses in both English and Spanish with the majority of the courses in English.