- MAC Leadership Solutions, LLC – MAC Leadership Solutions, LLC

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At MAC Leadership Solutions, LLC we practice and teach Moral Authority Leadership skills. Moral authority leadership is the recognition of a person’s influence that is based on who they are more than the position they hold. We understand that having a title does not make you a leader and you do not need a title to be a leader.

We conduct discovery meetings with prospective clients to identify areas for personal growth, identify areas for organizational growth as well as to identify individuals’ strengths and weaknesses. We then customize the services to meet the specific needs based on the results of the discovery process.

Merlyn Clarke is the CEO and founder of MAC Leadership Solutions, LLC. She is a global speaker, business and life coach who understands that everyone has untapped potential. She is your accountability partner and will walk alongside you to help you understand how you can develop yourself and your team to become more effective and fulfilled in every area of your life.