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Where do we want to go?  How far have we come toward our destination? For MACDC, the answer to the first question always comes back to our mission, established by the Massachusetts CDCs who collectively govern MACDC: To advance racial and economic equity by creating healthy communities where everyone lives in housing they can afford, benefits from economic opportunities, and can fully participate in the civic life of their community.

To quote the proverbial small child who, on a long car ride, asks “Are we there yet?” the answer for CDCs, and for MACDC, is always “not yet.” Through their activities each year, CDCs collectively strive to respond to the pressing challenges in the communities they serve, and through these activities, collectively embody MACDC’s mission. The GOALs Survey is MACDC’s tool for measuring the collective impact of CDCs- to offer a quantitative measure of how far we have come, over the past year.

In calendar year 2022, Massachusetts CDCs achieved the following:

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