- MacBitz | Just another weblog

Description: Just another weblog

Example domain paragraphs

Let me start by saying that I am happy with the look and feel of the macbitz website and I don’t want to change it. First up, I wanted to convert the word macbitz above into italic text. There is no toolbar, however when I move the cursor away from the text I’m typing, a minimalist toolbar appears with an italic button on it. Sue enough if I highlight the word macbitz, I’m able to switch it to italic. Assuming I can do bold and underlined text as well then that’s basic feature test one successfully passed.

Starting a new paragraph seems as simple as before, you simply hit the Enter key. What you don’t necessarily notice is that you’ve just started a nex ‘text block’ when you do this. The new block is entirely separate to the previous one, it just happens to sit directly under the previous one, giving the appearance of a new paragrahph. For now we’ll call test two a pass.

On to test three and that is adding a picture to the page or past. A lot of the time when creating new content, I am adding new images rather than existing ones stored in my media library. So let’s get going by trying to add a picture of a new iMac concept on to this page. Previously I’d just click the Media button, choose ‘Add New’, upload the image and then coose the alignment and any caption I wanted. I’d like the new image to appear at the start of this paragraph and to be aligned left so that the text