- Maria A Brito Visual Artist

Description: Maria Brito, Maria Brito Visual Artist, Artista Visual, Artist, Paintings, artwork, USA, Artista Venezolana, Pintura, Venezuela, arte, mabvisualartist

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María Brito is a Latin-American artist and activist. Her work has been described as "a representation of fantasy and nature, with the use of oneiric images, overlapped figures, and a background constructed by multi-colored brush strokes." Vibrant colors, curved and geometric shapes are characteristic of her artwork. Painting, mixed-media, and upcycled art, are the ways she creates. Her love for nature is reflected in her artwork, and it’s a way to express environmental activism. Part of her work represents

She was raised in a home where gardening was of special importance, surrounded by tropical plants and fruit trees. Concern for deforestation and destruction of nature has accompanied her throughout her life. She expresses constant interest in nature and its importance to human life. Her love for nature and the essence of the planet earth is reflected in part of her artwork.